Mahalo for visiting us! All items for hoomins ship for a flat $4.50. And most bedding and pads include the price of shipping in the cost, unless otherwise specified :) All bedding with the exception of the polyester fleece option is 100% cotton - bunny chew safe!

About us!

Mahalo for visiting us!  We are located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.  My name is Lisa, and I am the bunny slave sewist and one woman show - who purchases supplies, cuts, irons, hot glues and pieces together all the different items that are in our humble little shop.  My bunny Lychee (pictured on the right), who I adopted on August 1, 2020 is my bun supervisor and bunspector for all of my small animal pads and bed sets. On the left next to the lop is my bunny Mochi (the hotot) who began this journey with me back in 2014 and was the inspiration for my making the bedding sets and flop pads that I love to make for other bunny owners today. He was the most awesome bunspector and model, but unfortunately passed away in May of 2020.  Twinkie is on the left and was adopted by my sister.  He lived until he was almost 13 years old.  Because he was so much older, he had a lot of the older bunny (well human too) problems.  He was the perfect bunsumer reports tester and helped develop much of what we have in our store.  I said if Twinkie's pee can't make it through, the pad is good! :D

Because I only use 100% cotton batting for my pet pads, and I love collecting cute material, I also started making those awesome bowl cozies that are one of those things that I have learned I can't live without; and makes the most perfect gift for friends and relatives.  My friends have found they love them too, and I always sell tons of them at the craft fairs.  

I actually began my sewing adventure making thermal flask holders and selling them on Etsy.  However making the bunny bedding gives me the greatest joy as I hear about how much other bunny moms and dads find their bunnies love them and benefit from them, as they help to protect their sensitive feet from developing sore hocks from hard surfaces. So my focus shifted to making them - and was the main motivation for my beginning my own online store with Shopify, as I could keep my prices more affordable for everyone without the added fees of a marketplace store which continue to climb every year.

Because I had so much webbing from making these holders, and I had a slight obsession with cute ribbon; I began making key fobs, which I thought looked even cuter with charms on them; so I began offering them on Etsy and I love making them so much, I'm doing it on here too.

I've been very rough with my things since I was young, and so I make sure that everything I put together goes through my own rigorous testing of making sure the item is durable.  I instruct others to wash in cold water and dry on low heat as this is the best for everything I sell.  However, I actually put all of my Mochi's and now my Lychee's bedding in warm water and high heat dry it, then I really tug at it like crazy to reshape it after!  I wash everything that I make and use - key fobs, bowl cozies, masks and bottle holders making sure I test it myself to make sure that whatever hard earned money anyone uses to buy something I make will be worth it.

I really worry about people liking and feeling happy about what they purchase from me, so please know I give my 1000% to each order no matter how small or big. I do work part time in an office job as that is steady income, so this is not my full time job; I also do a lot of volunteer work.  But I get a ton of joy being able to create what I view as very adorable items for others.  I feel privileged that you have visited my store and read though all of this! Thank you for taking your time to get to know me!